Habana Port
Tag: Cigar Profile
Camacho Corojo Churchill Cigar
Flor de Selva Cigars (Cigares)
Greetings, habituĂ© of Honduras. We at Habana Port Cigar Merchants are proud to introduce to you Flor de Selva. This cigar brand has been in existence for over 15 years with its distribution focus for the most part on Europe. Flor de Selva is the brainchild of Maya Selva who is originally from Honduras but moved to Paris. In 1992 she decided to return to her familial roots and began her education about the cigar business under the tutelage of Nestor Plasencia, Sr. She contracted the famous Plasencia to construct her cigars and the first batch was released in March 1995. Flor de Selva showcases the finest tobaccos Honduras has to offer and so the puro’s blend is very clean and elegant. The flavor profile is one of a cedary, buttery, creamy nature with an undertone of coffee. Flor de Selva is quite mild but very complex in its flavor profile. Perfect for both the beginner and expert.
You can imagine our pleasure when we saw the company making its U.S. debut at the big cigar trade show in July 2013. Knowing the reputation of the company and her blends, Habana Port was the 10th U.S. cigar retailer to open an account with Maya Selva Cigares and the first in Louisiana (in fact we may have been the first in the country to receive a shipment as our invoice number was #1). We invite you to try one of the most famous cigar brands you have not heard about. We are initially offering the Robusto (4 3/4 x 50), the Robusto Maduro (4 3/4 x 50 and the only size that utilizes a Maduro wrapper), the Tempo (6 x 60) and the Petit-Cigares (3 1/2 x 20 and one of the smallest handmade cigars on the market).
For more information regarding the woman behind Flor de Selva, check out Cigar Journal‘s small bio by clicking here.
If you cannot visit our stores, you can purchase your Flor de Selva cigars on our e-commerce site, CigarEarth.com, by clicking here.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
Habana Port
Davidoff Nicaragua Cigar
Greetings, zealots of Zino. We are sampling the new Davidoff Nicaragua cigar from #IPCPR2013. Although we are not a White Label account (yet), we received a sample from Davidoff during the big cigar trade show a few weeks ago. The cigar exhibited cream, nutmeg & earth notes. Quite the excellent blend. Hopefully we can offer this line in the future and when we do, you will hear about it here and through our Twitter feed.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
Habana Port
Asylum Cigar
Greetings, nerds of Nica. Try Asylum Cigars today. This is an affordable Nicaraguan cigar distributed by Tabacaleras Unidas (Christian Eiroa). We are currently offering the Asylum and the Asylum 13. Both are Nicaraguan puros in the medium to medium-strong range. They retail in the $5 to $7 range. The profile can be described as complex with notes like earth, wood and nuts coating the palate.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
Habana Port
Pre-release Sample of El Centurion Cigar
Greetings, sentries of cigars and centurions. My Father Cigar’s El Centurion cigar. This is a blend that was one of Pepin Garcia’s early offerings. In honor of their 10th anniversary, the company is going to re-release it in May. We had a chance to sample one thanks to shop friend, Josh P. It had a nice balance of earth, wood, and coffee. We will update you when we receive the limited allocation.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
Habana Port