Greetings, Zino zealots. Let us introduce you to the world of Davidoff cigars. We carry every line including the Signature, Aniversario, Grand Cru, Millennium, Nicaragua, Oscurio, Colorado Claro, Winston Churchill, Royal and the new Yamasa.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
Habana Port
Tag: Davidoff Nicaragua
Davidoff Nicaragua Cigar
Greetings, zealots of Zino. We are sampling the new Davidoff Nicaragua cigar from #IPCPR2013. Although we are not a White Label account (yet), we received a sample from Davidoff during the big cigar trade show a few weeks ago. The cigar exhibited cream, nutmeg & earth notes. Quite the excellent blend. Hopefully we can offer this line in the future and when we do, you will hear about it here and through our Twitter feed.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
Habana Port
Greetings, zealots of Zino. We are sampling the new Davidoff Nicaragua cigar from #IPCPR2013. Although we are not a White Label account (yet), we received a sample from Davidoff during the big cigar trade show a few weeks ago. The cigar exhibited cream, nutmeg & earth notes. Quite the excellent blend. Hopefully we can offer this line in the future and when we do, you will hear about it here and through our Twitter feed.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
Habana Port