Greetings, aficionados de Avo. Take a look at the newest cigar arrival: Avo 787. This cigar sports an Ecuador sungrown Connecticut seed wrapper with Dominican Piloto, San Vicente and Olor fillers bound with a San Vicente binder.
Currently, we just offer the Toro (6×54) to see how they will be received here.
What is the flavor profile? Check out our Twitter feed where we will tweet the summary soon.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
Habana Port
Greetings, aficionados de Avo. Take a look at the newest cigar arrival: Avo 787. This cigar sports an Ecuador sungrown Connecticut seed wrapper with Dominican Piloto, San Vicente and Olor fillers bound with a San Vicente binder.
Currently, we just offer the Toro (6×54) to see how they will be received here.
What is the flavor profile? Check out our Twitter feed where we will tweet the summary soon.
Until the next post, siempre fumando,
Habana Port